Crystal Point x Leather [Riviera Handmade]


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I’m a bad blogger, but hey! I came out with a new collection and this time it features crystals and leather.

I’m not really into crystal healing but crystals/minerals are pretty and they come in different colors. These are inspired by similar handmade jewelry sellers based in the US, mainly sacraluna on Instagram, she’s a great artist and her Instagram is where I learned these things exist and they make really beautiful jewelry pieces.

If you’re into them, check them out and consider purchasing some, yeah?

Riviera: Handmade Accessories [New Collection]


Riviera Handmade

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Hello everyone!

Yes this blog is still alive, and I am here to say that I have released a new collection for Riviera Handmade. Check us out on Instagram, too!

This collection, as you can tell, is inspired by various book and movie characters, as well as nautical themes. Everything is handmade, by me. 🙂

Riviera: Handmade Accessories



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Hello everyone!

I have recently discovered handmade jewelry making! And since I can’t wear a dozen of necklaces and bracelets at the same time, why not open an online business and make some money out of something I love doing? Eh? Eh? I am also thinking of blogging tutorials about the pieces I make so let me know if that’s something you’d all want to see.

Please check out Riviera: Handmade Accessories, an online shop of handmade necklaces and bracelets. We are on Instagram, too. All products are carefully handmade by me.


A Quick Birthday Card for a Coworker


Can you tell that this has been rushed? HA HA HA shut up

So my boyfriend asked me to do a very quick birthday card for a coworker he was friends with who was having his birthday the next day. I quickly whipped this up, so this will be a very short blog post too.


As always, I drafted out a layout in Photoshop. A stripy colorful background, a blue banner with “happy birthday” on it, a cupcake image, a blue background for that cupcake, and a white square for a white border for that blue background. Printed those out on textured white card stock, and cut out the individual pieces. Arranged the whole thing on a cream-colored cardstock and we’re done!



DIY Kindle Case from a Hollowed-Out Book

Yes, I own a Kindle, and I’m about to carve out a book to make a Kindle case out of it. No, I don’t hate books.

The Kindle is a very convenient device for someone like me who likes to read and travel a lot. It’s very slim, but nothing compares to the feel and weight of a real book made of paper, so why not make a Kindle case out of it and maybe I can still have that fragrant old book smell?

My first Kindle case when I got the device a year ago was also a DIY case made by my boyfriend, Niko. It was made of cold press illustration board and gumtape.

The old case. Niko’s pretty crafty.

It served me well but Niko and I decided it has gotten to old and ratty and we were both feeling a little crafty so a new case was made and here’s the how we made it.

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Flower Box Pop-Up Mothers’ Day Card

I apologize for this blog seems to be all over the place with all my product reviews, my personal inane thoughts, and now, I’m adding a Crafts category. But it is what it is. I enjoy all these things and this is my blog so, let’s get to it.

Also I may need to update my blog layout for easier navigation.

I first found out that cardmaking/papercrafting was a thing online when I saw this papercrafting post on my Tumblr dashboard. I was mesmerized. I always loved papercrafts. Of course I didn’t know it was called as such when I was younger, but my mother and I bonded over making dolls out of white paper. She would teach me how to make a doll, her clothes, various furniture. It was wonderful, she always made such pretty dolls. We would draw faces on the doll silhouettes and I got to design the tiny doll clothes.

That love for cutting paper carried over to when I started school, I’d love making cards for people. Even when I got to college, I had this packaging class that made me do things with paper again. But it was only recently that I discovered that cardmaking and scrapbooking is a legit thriving community online! I missed so much, so I just jumped right in.

I saw this pop-up card tutorial on Pinterest and I wanted to give it a go, especially Mothers’ Day was coming up.


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